Monday, 23 August 2010

Sams Saturday

Last Saturday I was hangin about the manor by meself, last Saturday. And then I was thinking "OH WAIT A MINUTE, I ain't ad any Sams for a whole week!"... so I headed over to our favourite Chickan heaven and perchassed a snack deal of 4 spicy hot wings (£1-BOOYAKASHA).

The nice lady beind da counter spotted me for one of the Chickan Troopas and slung in 5 as a friendly bonus.

It was a good day. Restecp.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Family Mega Mix Posse in da HOUSE

So like sorry dat dis post az taken so long, butt i az been so busy eating da chickan, dat me az not ad time to post fingz on ere about da chickan.

Anyway, ere goes...

Da other day, me and me troopas went over to Sams (aiii) to get some chickan, da other day, cos we were all feeling a bit rubbish and all dat .... we decided dat enuff woz enuff and dat we woz gonna push da boat out or wot eva and get ourselves da famous family mega mix!!!

Da excitement amongst all da troopaz just could NOT be contained!

We counted up all our change and got it ready to order up some tasty chickan

Once we 'ad ordered da our mega mix, we all felt a little impatient cos we were all so frickin excited and everyfing ....

Da nice laydee behind da counter knows dat we iz regular chickan consoomaz at Sams and so she was well nice and everyfing and made sure to give us all da biggest and best bits of chickan.

Once we got our feast - we woz well pleased innit.

We layed it all out at home - we woz all so excited cos we 'ad some much chickan!

Chickan is well wicked, innit.

Boomshakalaka - me like da chickan!

PFC - Dey is Liars (but only a little bit)

Easy now Chickan Troopas!

This afternoon we went to down the road this afternoon and we was waitin for da bus when OH WAT DIS? me main soldier spied a chickan shop and we is like OH DATS RUDE NOT TO INIT, so we bust in and nabbed 4 spicy hot wings.

Dey was hactually well alright and that, pretty spicey and not too greasy - we was saying that it was quite a lot like KFC which is funny cos the name sounds pretty close to that init (conincindence? me finks not!) .

Anyway they was pretty bangin like i said but still dey didnt have tha true Sams LCP flava. We is beggining to fink maybe we will never find a betta chicken shop ever in our lifes.

Also wot i was saying just now is that they is Liars right? well dats cos the P stands for Perfect. and well we said that it was pretty good, not perfect, so maybe they should change the name to that or the traders standings board might fine em or whatever.

See Chickan blog is well political too.

Restecp Troopas.

Keep Eatin that CHICKAAANNN..


Tuesday, 3 August 2010